Image of a guest in the Victoria Butterfly Gardens with a quote from the Gardens Manager superimposed over it, "Our Culture. We're proud of the steps we're taking to decrease our carbon footprint on our planet and we look forward to constantly improving our green practices as best we can."

BC Green Business Certified Green Leader

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A close-up image of an Eclectus Parrot named "Little E"


All of our animals other than insects are rescues, donations, or adoptions. We do not purchase animals from the exotic pet trade, nor do we reproduce any. In our view, the world does not need anymore captive tropical animals that are difficult to care for properly and have the potential to live for many decades.

Prior to accepting an animal into our gardens, we follow an in-depth set of credentials to ensure the continued success, safety, and well-being of our existing population.

An image of several green cocoons or chrysalides which will shortly birth butterflies


Historically, we have mainly imported most of our butterfly stock from Costa Rica and Asia. We are now reproducing a good portion of certain species on site by growing host plants in the gardens.

Increasing our butterfly population decreases the amount of packaging and energy involved in shipping these amazing creatures. It also means you're able to witness the full life cycle of the butterfly and moth in their natural habitats.

a close-up image of a ladybug on a yellow flower, an example of one of the natural methods used to control invasive pests


In a garden the size of ours it's impossible to have no plant pests, as they're a natural part of an ecosystem. When we do have a population increase in a certain pest species, we introduce beneficial insects that eat or parasitize the unwanted pests until the population is back under control. We even have tiny European wall lizards for us running around and eating ants and unwanted soil pests.

An image of the community corner in the Victoria Butterfly Garden where coins can be tossed into a wishing well to donate to VBG community programs.

Community Program

Our 2025 Community Partners

Each of these organizations is dedicated to improving lives and creating positive change in food security, mental health, housing, and the environment.